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DetaineD - Self Titled

DetaineD CD Review
Self Titled


CD Info
Self Released / Sweden
5 Tracks
English Lyrics



You end up working with some bands by chance, some for other reasons. There were some suggestions that I consider this band for a review for some time. But, there are always suggestions that you consider doing reviews for a band, I generally make decisions based on a number of criteria, first and foremost, do I think their music warrants my time, which really means, do I like it. And, reviewers, like everyone else, have different tastes. So, things I like, others don’t, although there are some relative consistencies for the writers here at the Zine. But, we don’t agree on everything, and we have our own proclivities. For instance, I don’t usually choose to work with the big names, Nightwish, Within Temptation, Epica, for instance. Now, I generally do cover Therion material, some others like Factory of Dreams, and there are some that we sort of get because we have worked with them over time. Others, like Six Magics or Blackthorn we just make known that we want to work with and the other reviewers respect those requests. Not that Robin, Sara and Max and I haven’t gone a few rounds determining who gets what. But, I quite often get many of the new names, bands that are submitting their first works for consideration, and I get a lot of them. I don’t cover a high percentage, actually less than a quarter probably, there are just too many to work with, this not being a full time job by any means. I mean, we still have to put food on the table. But, I also appreciate those bands that make a conscious effort to make information available. And Detained has worked to get a review done, and, since their music does demonstrate some solid capability, I found some time to write something up, even though this is only an introductory EP, something I generally ignore on most occasions.

The band is from Sweden but it’s a more traditional metal band. Quite often, we either get a symphonic direction, or a B & B sound from that part of the world, so, this is a little off the beaten path. But, the vocals are quite good, the metal is more than adequate, and the overall sound and feel of the music certainly demonstrates some solid talent. I got some thoughts from front woman Tina Gunnarsson via e-mail that talked about the lyrical work and found that to be of interest as well. This is really their first attempt at doing a production of this kind but, for a first effort, it’s pretty damn good. I get the feeling they’re a "live" act, and, I suspect a pretty good one. Couldn’t find anything on line to link to so all I have to go on, beyond the communications, is the limited EP. But, it’s enough to make an impression; I hope there’ll be more to come in the not too distant future.

The Detained sound is heavily guitar oriented. And these are some truly interesting guitars, nicely offsetting the vocals which are of the harder metal variety. Some limited work with them in the production room, but, for the most part, what you hear live is what you’ll hear here. And Ms. Tina can belt out a metal song, hard, gritty and in your face. I usually go for the operatic sound, but, there’s no denying the emotion in this vocal, and you have to respect that ability, no matter who’s doing the singing. And the material seems to favor that approach; this is hard, driving metal, the kind I would expect at my favorite biker bars, only with a better looking vocalist. Not that Tina would probably have a problem in that sort of environment, at least from the pictures I’ve seen of the band. Fact, I might invite them to our next local Angel’s Convention, bring your knives, bring your chains, bring your automatic weapons, everyone else will. And this music would be richly appreciated, it’s solid biker material. I can even see it at Bike Week in Daytona Beach, where you can mingle with 501,000 of your favorite bikers, and listen to music that certainly goes in this direction. Makes me want to rev up Black Bonnie and hit the road.

The work begins with I Am, and that kick ass guitar starts things out. We pound our way to an avenging vocal that takes us to the story line, with a no nonsense quality in the delivery. You know right away there’s not going to be an overabundance of ballads here, this is metal that your parents warned you about, at least mine did, and you can guess just how hard I listened to that advice. But, anyway, I asked Tina about each of the songs on the EP, this was her response for this one: "I AM, for example is about different types of addictions and the strength to get free from it." Sounds like biker material to me. Lyrically we get:

Please stay by my side, I will do the best I can
And when the road is open 
I push the pedal to the metal
I don’t want anything else except for being free
It doesn’t include you, cause you were meant for me

And that certainly doesn’t detract from the image. The hardness doesn’t stop anytime soon, but the message does go in some different directions, even a bit of the Gothic, to soothe this old Goth’s soul. I mean, it’s still biker style music, but with a little darker, deeper message. The title here is Goodbye, and, according to Tina it talks about a somewhat different topic. Here, the lyrics are more in tune with the standard Scandinavian interpretation of reality:

I never thought this would be so full of death / A sea full of grief 
A smile hide the lies / Disgusted by it all
I am sick of this life 
Hollow / I am on my own / Hollow
I am here all alone / Trusting in time, hate never leaves
You kept me here without no respect
Longing for grace in every deed

Not sure how well this message would be interpreted at a Hell’s Angels function, but it might be fun to find out.

What you’re going to find here is that if you value the stronger metal direction, this music will be in your wheel house. There’s enough variety to the sound to keep it interesting, but this is clearly no cure to insomnia. This is the stuff that gets you up and moving, it’s the stuff that brings the blood to a boil that gets you off to that advanced state of social functioning that people in Miami use Columbian snow to achieve. Well, maybe not that good, but, you get the idea. Day To Die utilizes that crunching guitar line to line up, er, move that vocal towards that glistening end point.

Desire, Resolution, You decided
Leaving this horrible life, you can`t stand it
And tear your life down, that’s what you did
You hate the deeds you´ve done
And you know now / That soon it will happen, the light will shine


Magic sparkles in your eyes / You can´t wait too long to die
And the night heaven never seem so bright / This is a good day to die...

Hmm, maybe they have been to Miami.

Well, anyway, this is one of those sounds you’re clearly grateful someone worked on you to listen to. It’s time well spent. I’m understanding that a more complete rendition will be available soon, and I’ll be there to listen, without prodding. And, I’ve mailed a copy of this work to Crossbones Charlie at the Boothill Saloon on the strip in Daytona. . . where I’ve been invited to referee the topless woman’s mud wrestling competition this year. Now this is music to wrestle in the mud too, and it doesn’t get much better than that.

9 / 10

Official Website 
Music Link 
